#7: "I can't imagine walking that far to go to the toilet..."

The title of the blog was a quote said by my friend who caught me writing up my last blog post in which I highlighted the struggles that some Africa women face when using the toilet.

Still, this is difficult to imagine for those of us who don’t have to think twice about where, when or how we use the toilet. Though yesterday, whilst reading more into WASH in Africa, I came across this video:


I know this is a slight diversion from what I set out to cover in my previous post, but I believe it is a necessary one. Putting African women’s realities in a striking context in which we are more familiar with can help privileged people, like my friend and I, to understand just a fraction of the difficulty faced by women in developing nations.  


  1. This post honestly left me frightened and lost for words as a women myself. I could never imagine the struggles girls in communities all around the world go through, until this video. The unique framing of the issue from the lens of a privileged woman made the experience feel just more real as if it were me having to access a toilet just like that. Thank you for this post Sophia.

    1. I appreciate you watching the video Lana, it is quite shocking. I think this representation will really frame the problem for people like us who simply do not understand what these women go through.

  2. This was such a powerful video Sophia. Thank you for sharing this. I think its shocking that women have to go through this just to go toilet, but it was the way in which the video framed it that made it especially shocking.

    1. I agree, it made it seem more relatable (if even possible).


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